
Technosphere of the university: an environment for the teacher’s information culture development
Potmenskaya E.V., Mychko E.I., Serykh A.B., Mazanova S.E.
Rector-creator: To the 90th anniversary of the Honorary Rector of Samara State Pedagogical University A.A. Semashkin (1933–2023)
Sheremeev E.E.
Professor of physics at three Imperial Universities of Russia B.V. Stankevich: milestones of scientific biography and stages of teaching activity
Yakuta A.A., Kochergina E.D.
University profile educational sessions at Russian universities: the basic principles of the implementation of the integration function
Miroshnichenko A.A., Baryshnikov A.V., Golubeva I.A.
Extracurricular educational activities for prospective teachers’ professional identity development
Smolyar A.I., Zogol S.G.
Didactic potential of the academic courses of the natural science cycle for prospective teachers’ ecological culture development
Busygina A.L., Bakulina S.Y., Lizunova E.V., Vershinina L.V., Bondareva V.V.
Scientific and methodological interaction of school and university: organization of school research conferences
Kulaeva O.A.
Features of balanced online and offline teaching of mathematics to students with disabilities
Yankevich O.A., Balabaeva N.P., Enbom E.A.
The specifics of volunteer activities organization among students at the University of culture
Taratorin E.V.
The 70th birthday of the doctor of historical sciences, professor Aleksandr Ivanovich Repinetsky
Vybornov A.A., Korolev A.I., Mochalov O.D., Khramkova E.L.
The ethnocultural aspect in the educational process of a pedagogical university
Gokina A.G., Safonova E.V., Iagafova E.A.
The educational environment as a way of prospective teachers’ ecological culture formation while studying natural science courses
Busygina A.L., Bakulina S.Y., Lizunova E.V., Vershinina L.V., Busygin A.G.
The Great Patriotic War in V.N. Paramonov’s research: in memory of the historian (1957–2022)
Khramkova E.L., Tuzova O.V.
Transformation of technologies and forms of teaching mathematics to foreign students
Balabaeva N.P., Barova E.A., Enbom E.A., Yankevich O.A.
Ten years of the Samara Journal of Science: results and prospects
Mochalov O.D., Repinetsky A.I.
Monitoring and assessment of pedagogical competence development among bachelors majoring in Ecology
Makarova E.A., Stepanova E.S.
Creating a health-preserving social environment at the university by means of the functioning of Physical Education and Sports Department
Kalimullina O.A., Kalmanovich V.L., Abdrashitov R.I.
The preliminary results of quality assessment of walnut fruits formed in the botanical garden of Samara University using a microfocus X-ray method
Pomogaybin A.V., Rodionova P.V., Kavelenova L.M.
The primary assessment of the red oak seeds quality and prospects for its bioinvasive potential realization in the Samara region urban environment
Rodionova P.V., Oven A.P., Ivanova A.V., Zhavkina T.M.
Oleg Dmitrievich Mochalov – 50th birthday!
Vybornov A.A., Repinetsky A.I.
Methodology for isolation study as a factor of the evolutionary process for the university course «Theory of Evolution»
Lamekhova E.A.
Features of a prospective teacher’s professional formation in the educational environment of a pedagogical university
Dorozhkina E.S.
The study of cadets’ educational activities motives at Civil Aviation University
Butuzova E.A.
«It was a great, noble work of a selfless worker» (to the biography of P.A. Preobrazhensky)
Sumburova E.I.
Student’s educational geological practice in the COVID-19 epidemic
Vasilieva D.I., Baranova M.N.
Desmoecological approach to ecological culture formation during professional training of pedagogical university students
Busygin A.G., Lizunova E.V., Vershinina L.V., Bondareva V.V.
Philosophical prerequisites for researching the personal and developmental potential of knowledge of the prospective engineer
Charikova I.N.
On the issue of preparing future teachers to broadcast family values to students in an information society
Aldoshina M.I.
The specifics of teaching a foreign language to false beginners in non-linguistic universities
Ermakova Y.D., Kapustina L.V., Elizarova E.A.
The educational potential of the choral competition in the professional training of music teachers
Kolysheva T.A., Petsina I.A.
The study of the value attitude of cadets of a departmental university of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to a person
Klychkov S.A.
Development of geoinformation competencies among students majoring in History and Geography (44.03.05 Pedagogical Education)
Markov D.S., Ginko V.I., Malygin A.D.
Testing as a way to assess the development of bachelors’ environmental competence at pedagogical universities
Makarova E.A., Stepanova E.S.
A pedagogical perspective of understanding the essence and structure of the value attitude of cadets studying at a law university of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to a person
Klychkov S.A.
The role of humor in the formation of a positive attitude towards the educational environment and the teacher at a technical university
Kotliarenko I.Y., Odaryuk I.V.
Educational design as an intelligent foundation and creative source of prospective engineers’ professional development
Charikova I.N.
The educational environment of a departmental university as a means of cadet’s personality formation
Zhalmurzin R.B.
The content of the process of forming the ethical responsibility of cadets in the conditions of training in a departmental university of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Zhalmurzin R.B.
On the question of the content of the concept of «professional culture of military musicians»
Grebennikova V.M., Stepenko E.A., Nikitina N.I., Illarionova L.P.
The principles of a personality-oriented educational process organization at a university
Tsepkova A.N.
The potential of a personal educational environment in the development of information and communication competence of a university teacher
Garaeva E.A.
Tolerance development while teaching foreign languages for business communication
Gorlova E.A., Gridneva N.A., Doskovskaya M.S., Zhuravleva O.V.
Individual educational strategies for advanced training of higher school teachers
Evelina L.N., Balabaeva N.P., Enbom E.A.
Experience of using online educational courses in teaching students of technical universities
Mendygalieva A.Y., Lopukhova Y.V., Zhuravleva O.V.
The model of moral education of students in the cultural and educational space of the university
Vdovin S.A., Pozdnyakova O.K.
The problem of readiness for self-education among cadets of the departmental university of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Mitrofanov A.O.
Formation of the prospective engineer’s moral personality as a problem of modern technical education
Soboleva E.I.
Conditions for successful development of the mathematical component of the professional competence of students majoring in technical areas
Evelina L.N., Balabaeva N.P., Enbom E.A.
Advantages of cooperative methods in teaching professionally-oriented foreign languages to students of technical universities
Odaryuk I.V., Kotliarenko I.Y.
Teaching speaking a second foreign language to students majoring in linguistics
Doskovskaya M.S., Oparina K.S.
Possibilities of the academic discipline «Pedagogy» in the development of critical thinking of students – future teachers
Semenova O.M.
The interdisciplinary approach to the study of speciation methods within the university course «Theory of Evolution»
Lamekhova E.A., Lamekhov Y.G.
The experience of teaching «Inorganic Chemistry» course at an agricultural university
Kondrashova A.V.
The nature of vegetation cover and small mammal community structure (on the example of Nizhny Novgorod)
Boryakova E.E.
110th anniversary of the teacher Dora Naumovna Keyser (1909-1972) who worked at the Faculty of History at Kuibyshev State Pedagogical Institute
Khramkova E.L.
Research on the orientation of technical university students towards moral values
Soboleva E.I.
Problem-based learning in raising motivation when teaching English in a non-linguistic university
Guseva E.V., Khristoforova P.Y.
The use of logical reference schemes as a means of increasing the level of students’ environmental knowledge
Repin D.V., Repina N.V.
Principles of pedagogy of cooperation while teaching a foreign language at an agrarian university
Nikitina S.V., Pigoreva O.V.
Quality management of higher education in the context of digitalization
Polupan K.L.
Technology of improving foreign language communication skills of master’s students majoring natural and technical sciences
Marunevich O.V., Shabashova E.V.
Justification of the term «professional self-realization of students»
Fedorova M.A.
Organization of technical students’ project activity in department scientific circles
Ovchinnikova L.P., Mikhelkevich V.N.
Sevenyuk S.A., Parfenova T.A.
Theoretical aspects of higher education internationalization problem in the modern world
Kuzovenkova K.O.
Kazantsev I.V., Yaitsky A.S.
Grigoryeva N.V.
Heterogeneous electronic information and educational environment of the university – a problem or an opportunity?
Dobudko T.V., Malova N.V., Pugach O.I.
Educational design as a resource for improving the quality of prospective engineers’ training
Charikova I.N.
Kockar R.
Gaisin R.I., Saraçoglu Z.
The role of the anatomy museum in university education
Shilkova T.V., Efimova N.V., Sokolova T.L.
Central Chernozemie in the biography and researches of M.E. Foss
Akinshin A.N., Bessudnov A.N., Zakharova E.Y.
Concerning the prospects of quantitative valuing of leaf surface functional activity for different plants
Kavelenova L.M., Petrova A.B., Trubnikov A.M., Yankov N.V., Savitskaya K.A., Kravtseva A.P., Antipenko M.I., Kuznetsov A.A.
An effective system of electronic courses development and maintenance as a key problem of electronic information and educational environment development at university
Dobudko T.V., Pugach V.I., Gorbatov S.V., Dobudko A.V., Pugach O.I.
Pedagogical ways of military university students’ professional experience development in crisis situations
Malashenko L.I.
Strategic guidelines for designing and implementing university students’ customized educational itinerary on the basis of artificial intelligence
Fedorov A.A., Budarina A.O., Polupan K.L., Zhitinevich D.G.
Heroes of the Soviet Union - students of Kuibyshev State Pedagogical Institute (based on the archive of Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education and Samara State Archive of Social and Political History)
Khramkova E.L., Khramkova N.P.
A model for the development of the creative potential of a technical university teacher
Burenina V.I., Kochetova N.G.
Advantages of authentic assessment over traditional assessment while teaching English to university students majoring in non-linguistic subjects
Abramova I.E., Shishmolina E.P., Ananyina A.V.
Research results of Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education in 2018
Repinetsky A.I.
Practical issues of teaching discursive reading to foreign military personnel
Savinykh N.V.
Concentrated training of students in the holistic computer audiences of unified electronic information and education environment of a pedagogical university
Bogoslovskiy V.I., Aniskin V.N., Gorbatov S.V., Dobudko A.V., Dobudko T.V.
The use of Lapbook-technology in the organization of academic and professional interaction with students of a technical university in a foreign language
Odaryuk I.V., Kotliarenko I.Y.
History periodization of Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages
Avetisyan V.R.
Physical culture and sport in the daily life of students in the first post-war decade (on the materials of Kuybyshev, Penza, Ulyanovsk Regions)
Kozlovskaya G.E., Lubaeva A.S.
The organization of current control of the educational results among pedagogical university students
Stepanova E.S., Makarova E.A.
Criteria and indicators of graduates’ readiness for professional activity
Kochetova N.G., Stelmakh Y.G., Kochetova T.N.
Development of professional foreign language speaking competences of students majoring in «Tourism Business» at the economic university
Glukhov G.V., Ermakova Y.D., Kapustina L.V.
Cognitive correction at the University on the basis of electronic educational resources use
Makarov S.I., Sevastianova S.A., Ufimtseva L.I.
Fate and scientific path of the archaeologist Vladimir Ivanovich Timofeyev (14.06.1947-08.08.2004)
Vasilyev S.A., Vseviov L.M., Vybornov A.A., Gerasimov D.V., Medvedeva M.V., Shumkin V.Y.
Some words about Tatiana Dmitrievna Belanovskaya
Murashkin A.I., Tikhonov I.L., Matveeva E.G., Beliaeva V.I.
The analysis of modern approaches to the development of students’ professional competencies at transport universities
Polovinkina A.Y., Mikhelkevich V.N.
Methods of disciplinary practice distortion elimination in the process of military education in everyday activities
Kasavtsev M.Y., Skorik A.G., Smirnov D.L., Dulishkin R.M.
Problems of foreign students’ integration into the educational environment of a pedagogical university
Arestova I.Y.
University students’ creative activity development as a pedagogical problem
Statsenko E.R.
The study of pedagogical university graduates’ readiness to organize school students’ moral self-education
Polukhina M.O.
The case of Solomon Gertsevich Basin: regional practice of political and ideological campaigns of the second half of the 1940s – early 1950s
Khramkova E.L., Khramkova N.P.
Training handbook as means of organization of interdisciplinary connections in the process of bachelors training
Plekhanova T.M.
The functional aspect of assessing the language for specific purposes at Law Departments
Vikulina O.V.
The value foundations of the university teacher’s orientation towards the implementation of personality oriented education ideas
Tsepkova A.N.
University students’ behavioral culture development by means of personality-oriented education technologies
Tsepkova A.N.
Teaching business foreign language communication in master's courses at railway transport university
Odaryuk I.V.
Development of primary school prospective teachers’ project competence in the process of higher education
Parfenova T.A., Sevenyuk S.A.
1 - 104 of 104 Items

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