Vol 13, No 1 (2024)

Biological Sciences

Ecological and floristic features of modern plant groupings on the territory of the Kipchak archaeological complex

Bystrova E.D.


The article presents the results of the study of the peculiarities of the existing vegetation cover on the territory of the Kipchak archaeological complex (Republic of Bashkortostan). The data of ecological and botanical description are presented, which contribute to the interpretation of the natural state of vegetation groupings on the territory where archaeological surveys are conducted. The investigated burial ground and settlement are part of the objects of the Kipchak archaeological complex and are located near the village of Kipchakovo. The article includes a list of vascular plants that were discovered and described in this area during the survey in 2022, indicating their relevance to the trial areas of the Kipchak archaeological complex. According to the survey data the most widespread species of vascular plants were identified, they include: Vicia tenuifolia Roth, Fragaria vesca L., Trifolium alpestre L., Galium verum L., Achillea millefolium L., Achillea millefolium L., Dactylis glomerata L., mountain clover Trifolium montanum L., Trifolium medium L., Galium boreale L., Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski. To date, the study area is assessed as slightly disturbed.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):10-16
pages 10-16 views

Relation of individual and social characteristics of behavior in the context of achieving successful adaptation on the example of a bachelor group of a semi-wild population of Przewalski’s horse of the Orenburg Reserve

Guryanov S.I., Ksenofontova A.A., Bulgakov E.A.


The article deals with the relationship between the degree of behavioral synchronization and the index of behavioral diversity and morphofunctional features of Przewalski’s horse in the context of their adaptive significance. It is noted that the indicated behavioral characteristics determine the ability of animals to form cohesive social groups, which underlies the defensive behavior of some species of social animals, especially ungulates of open spaces, as well as their resistance to various environmental factors (e.g., insects, temperature effects, etc.). The index of behavioral diversity reflects the animal’s desire to display motivated behavior, i.e. to satisfy the dominant need from the position of the theory of functional systems. Consideration of these indicators is important for successful reintroduction programs of different animal species. In this study, the adaptation of horses to the steppe ecosystems of the Southern Urals was assessed using the example of a bachelor group of a semi-voluntary population of the studied species living on the territory of the site «Pre-Ural Steppe» of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Orenburg Region Reserves» due to a set of ethological observations. A high level of behavioral synchronization and low values of the behavioral diversity index were recorded in the studied community, explained by morphophysiological adaptation of the species to a long period of feed consumption. A relationship between the above behavioral characteristics and the proportion of different behavioral forms in the studied group of wild horses was noted, indicating effective integration of animals into the ecological niche natural to the species.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):17-23
pages 17-23 views

Analysis of the structure of phytoplankton communities in the ecological monitoring of Lake Zaozernoe (Russia)

Drozdenko T.V., Volgusheva A.A.


In this work, the taxonomic composition, biodiversity, abundance, biomass, ecological features of planktonic algae and water quality in Lake Zaozernoye of the Pskov Region were studied a year after the territory was recognized as a natural monument. A twofold increase in the species richness of plankton was revealed, a two-fold decrease in representatives of the Euglenozoa phylum and a 40% decrease in representatives of Cyanobacteria. 145 phytoplankton taxa ranked below the genus from 8 phylums have been identified: Bacillariophyta (50 species taxa), Chlorophyta (36), Ochrophyta (18), Cyanobacteria (12), Euglenozoa (12), Miozoa (8), Cryptophyta (5) and Charophyta (4). The biomass was dominated by diatoms and cryptophytic algae. Toxic cyanobacteria species Aphanocapsa delicatissima and Aphanothece sp. have been identified among the dominant species in terms of numbers. 2 rare species of algae have been identified for reservoirs in the Northwestern region – Anabaena sphaerica Bornet & Flahault (Cyanobacteria) and Phacus monilatus (A. Stokes) Lemmerman (Euglenozoa). The analysis of species diversity using the Sierensen–Chekanovsky, Shannon, Simpson, and Margalef diversity indices revealed changes in the structure of the plankton community in different areas of the lake. The species composition of Zaozernoye is compared with the lakes closest to it.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):24-29
pages 24-29 views

Ontogenetic changes in the mechanical stability of the main species of woody plants in the ecosystems of the city of Donetsk

Kornienko V.O., Yaitsky A.S.


The paper considers the issues of ontogenetic changes in the mechanical stability of 18 species of woody plants growing in the ecosystems of the industrial city of Donetsk: Acer campestre L., Acer negundo L., Acer platanoides L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Acer saccharinum L., Aesculus hippocastanum L., Betula pendula Roth, Fraxinus excelsior L., Fraxinus lanceolata Borkh., Gleditsia triacanthos L., Populus simonii Carriere, Populus nigra L., Populus balsamifera L., Populus bolleana Lauche, Quercus robur L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Tilia cordata Mill., Ulmus laevis Pall. It has been established that at the initial stages of the ontogenesis of woody plants, their biomechanics ensures survival through high flexibility. This is due to the low critical mass and load, which are easily achieved when static and dynamic factors act on the plant. Only a significant increase in linear dimensions makes it possible to maintain its own mass weighing several tons and above, as well as withstand the effects of adverse climatic factors. The studied ontogenetic dependences of the mechanical stability of the main species of woody plants in the ecosystems of the city of Donetsk should be used in landscaping the city.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):30-38
pages 30-38 views

The functional role of mammals in the restoration of disturbed taiga ecosystems of the Vologda Region

Pilipko E.N.


The article examines the participation of mammals in the restoration of disturbed ecosystems. Since in a number of regions of the North-West the intensity of anthropogenic load in the form of logging activities does not decrease, and in some cases even increases, the study of the degree of influence of each component of the ecosystem on the restoration of disturbed taiga biogeocoenoses is an urgent problem and requires comprehensive consideration. In the Vologda Oblast, logging activities are aimed at increasing the area of continuous concentrated logging, which have a serious impact on forest biogeocoenoses. Environment-forming (environment-forming or biogeocoenotic activity) animals are the work performed by organisms to implement and regulate any biogeocoenotic processes, in particular, to transform substances and energy, and maintain the equilibrium state of the system. The article considers the most pronounced types of environmental and biogeocoenotic activity of terrestrial mammals – trophic-mechanical (using the example of elk and white hare), excretory (elk, white hare, wild boar, bear, wolf and fox), hard-laying (mole) and digging-loosening (wild boar) in the territories disturbed after logging activities taiga mesoecosystems (logging). It was revealed that as a result of trophomechanical activity, phytophages do not damage the woody phytocoenosis, since the mosaic of habitat and successional processes towards deciduous plants – rowan, aspen and willow, provides phytophagous mammals with food in sufficient quantities. Excretory, excretory-recomposing and digging-loosening activities of mammals support the process of circulation of substances and the flow of energy, which contributes to self-healing, self-purification, self-regulation and increased stability of disturbed forest taiga ecosystems of Vologda Region.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):39-43
pages 39-43 views

Comparative data on the blood leukocyte composition of semi-aquatic turtles from the Samara Zoo

Romanova E.B., Stolyarova I.A., Bakiev A.G., Gorelov R.A.


The leukocyte blood count of 16 species of five families of semi-aquatic turtles from the Samara Zoo was determined. A comparison of the leukogram of representatives of two genera of the family Emydidae revealed a reduced proportion of heterophils and an increased proportion of basophils in Graptemys (G. pseudogeographica, G. nigrinoda) compared with Terrapene (T. triunguis, T. ornata). The leukocyte profile of Cuora mouhotii (Geoemydidae) was characterized by an increased content of heterophils, which showed a higher activation of innate immune responses. The most similar in leukocyte composition are the species of the Kinosternidae family of three genera: Kinosternon, Sternotherus and Staurotypus. The clade Trionychia (Trionychidae) differed from the clade Durocryptodira (Emydidae, Geoemydidae and Kinosternidae) by an increased number of heterophils and monocytes, and a low content of eosinophils. The Pleurodira suborder (Chelidae) differed from the Cryptodira suborder (Emydidae, Geoemydidae, Kinosternidae, Trionychidae) by an increased content of agranulocytes. Positive significant correlations of the length of the carapace with the content of heterophils and the values of leukocyte indices (index of the eosinophils and lymphocytes ratio, index of the heterophils and eosinophils ratio, index of the heterophils and lymphocytes ratio) reflecting the increased role of nonspecific resistance of the turtle organism during ontogenesis and negative significant correlations with the content of eosinophils were revealed. The index of the heterophils and lymphocytes ratio, which is an indicator of physiological stress, had the minimum value among the studied species in Sternotherus odoratus (Kinosternidae), the maximum value in C. mouhotii (Geoemydidae).

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):44-53
pages 44-53 views

Characteristics of new varieties and elites of domestic apple trees in the Samara Region

Sobolev G.I.


Hybrid seedlings of domestic apple trees for scab resistance were selected at the age of 1–2 years in a breeding nursery after their artificial infection. Transplanted into a breeding garden, the selections were immediately evaluated for winter hardiness, resistance to low extreme temperatures and other factors of the winter period. At the age of 9–10, they were allocated to the elite in terms of taste and fruiting. Elite plants with signs of better taste and high yield from among stable hybrids were selected in the field and on a tasting commission. The qualities of taste and fruiting were dominant in determining the culture of hybrid apple trees in the continental climate characteristic of the Samara Region. Elite seedlings were grown in a nursery on a semi-dwarf rootstock 54–118 and transplanted two-year-olds into a collection garden for primary variety study. The observations were carried out at the Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture and Medicinal Plants «Zhigulevskie Sady» in the village of Malaya Tsarevshchyna. The variety study included a visual and tasting assessment of fruit quality (appearance, taste, size, pulp structure), yield, character, stability and type of fruiting of the tree, assessment of crown shape, general condition of trees, stability of scab resistance and hardiness, and others.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):54-59
pages 54-59 views

Ontogenesis of a rare Russian plant Chephalaria litvinovii Bobrov (Caprifoliaceae Juss.) in the Penza Region

Fatyunina Y.A., Novikova L.A., Mironova A.A., Aleshina M.V.


This article examines the features of ontogenesis, the formation of biomorphs (in the ontogenetic aspect) and the phytocoenotic confinement in the Penza Region of a rare plant of Russia endemic Chephalaria litvinovii Bobrov. Field research methods are complemented by a laboratory experiment on the effect of low positive temperatures on the germination of achenes. The conducted studies showed that the individual development of individuals of this species includes 4 periods and 9 ontogenetic states, the morphometric indicators of which are presented in the work. It is shown how the monocentric biomorph of this caudex polycarpic in the old generative age state is replaced by an implicitly polycentric one due to the formation of hypogeogenic rhizomes. The stimulating effect of a temperature of +2°C for 2 weeks on the germination of achenes is shown. There is a phytocoenotic association of C. litvinovii with swampy, and, less often, true and steppe meadows in river floodplains, as well as in forest clearings and edges. The obtained materials can serve as a basis for the development of more effective measures for the protection of the species, including in cultural conditions during introduction in botanical gardens.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):60-66
pages 60-66 views

Biomonitoring of the surface waters of the Volyntsevo reservoir using the fluorimetry method

Chufitskiy S.V., Bespalova S.V., Romanchuk S.M.


The article examines the state of the drinking Volyntsevo reservoir and its tributaries in conditions of significant changes in the hydraulic regime and pollution by waste mine waters. The state of algoflora of a water body is considered, the results of studying the species composition of phytoplankton, the content of basic photopigments and photosynthetic activity of microalgae are presented. The study presents the results of the application of the method of fluorimetric assessment of the state of phytoplankton cells as the main bioindicator of the state of the aquatic environment. The research was conducted in the vicinity of Yenakievo for the Volyntsevo reservoir and the Bulavin river. These water bodies are subject to significant man-made impacts: as a result of intensive water use of reservoir resources, there has been a significant decrease in water levels and, as a result, a deterioration in water quality. The conducted studies have shown a significant excess of the permissible standards for the content of magnesium ions, sulfates, total hardness and alkalinity in water samples. The negative impact of surface water pollution on the species composition of algoflora, as well as the photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton cells, has been shown. The obtained materials can serve as a basis for further monitoring of drinking reservoirs in the region. The current situation requires constant monitoring observations aimed at identifying and eliminating all sources of pollution of the studied water bodies.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):67-74
pages 67-74 views

Historical Sciences

Some results of petrographic study of Neolithic ceramics from the Luzhki II site

Andreev K.M., Kulkova M.A.


The presented article introduces into scientific circulation the first results of the petrographic study of the Neolithic ceramics of the Luzhki II site. A total of 22 samples from vessels decorated with punctures (8 units), impressions of a comb stamp (9 units), their combination (1 unit), nail-like notches (2 units), as well as only belts of pitted impressions under the cut of the rim (2 units) were analyzed. Petrographic analysis of ceramics allows to establish the mineralogical composition of clays and thickeners, to identify the formulation of ceramic dough, to determine the temperature and firing conditions, as well as to suggest possible sources of raw materials. According to the results of a micromorphological study, two groups of dishes are distinguished in the collection of the Luzhki II site. The first is characterized by the use of sand and chamotte as a cleaner, and for the second, consisting of two samples, only sand. In general, it can be summarized that all the vessels considered are made of thin clays, mainly hydrosluidic with a content of clastic material from 18% to 35%. Sand has always acted as a cleaner, mainly its share is about 45%, the concentration of chamotte does not exceed 20%, its size is 0,7–1,3 mm. The conditions of long-term firing of vessels are stable at a temperature of mainly +700…+800°C in an oxidizing environment.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):75-84
pages 75-84 views

Anthropological materials of the Bronze Age from the Ishkininsky burial mounds of Orenburg Region

Khokhlov A.A., Grigoriev A.P., Kapinus Y.O.


The Ishkinin mounds are located on the territory of ancient copper mines that could have been created by the miners themselves. The materials from the burials of these burial grounds in total include six skeletons belonging to the Yamnaya and Alakul archaeological cultures of the Bronze Age. The people of the early stage of this epoch, judging by its morphological features, represent a rather tall Europeoid population. The restored male skull (Ishkinovka I, 3/7) is specific, differs from typical pit craniums of the Volga-Ural region in ultradolichocrania, and a very high face. According to male heredity, this individual has the same haplogroup that was characteristic of many Volga-Ural Ural Yamnaya people (R-Z2106), and according to female (mtDNA: H13a1a1), he finds a complete analogy with the sample of the Khvalyn Chalcolithic culture (Khlopkov Hillock, item 8), the owner of which craniologically represents a typical Uraloid complex. Probably, the physical characteristics of this person, and the appearance in general, are a reflection of the mestization of his progenitors. The Alakul skeletons of the Ishkinovka I and III burial grounds are more graceful. Taking into account previously published information, the bearers of the Alakul culture of the Late Bronze Age had a genesis unrelated to the ancient Yamal population. This, as well as archaeological data, shows that the ancient mines were developed for quite a long time, and by carriers of different archaeological cultures. The presence of cases of injury and natural pathologies on the skeletons of both cultures may indicate the presence of stress factors that caused their occurrence.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):85-90
pages 85-90 views

The role of scientific and artistic intelligentsia in the salvation of cultural values (1917–1927)

Tatarenkova N.A.


The article deals with the actual problem of attitude to cultural heritage after the change of the model of social development in Russia in 1917. The contradictory processes of registration and preservation of historical and artistic values are analyzed. Based on archival sources, the activities of the All-Russian Board for the Protection of Monuments of Art and Antiquity and its local branches are shown. The role of scientific and artistic intelligentsia in saving cultural values is emphasized. The characteristics of such representatives as V.N. Peretz, M.N. Tikhomirov, K.K. Romanov, N.G. Porfiridov, L.A. Durnovo, et al are given. It is indicated that many cultural devotees in the difficult post-revolutionary period helped to preserve historical and cultural monuments with their modest work. Using their example, a collective image of such ascetics is given, the most striking features of which were the deepest intelligence, high professionalism, selfless service to society and culture, complete absence of any mercantile interests, extraordinary dedication to their work and deep awareness of their mission to save cultural values, perseverance and perseverance in its implementation. It is concluded that specialists trained in this field were involved in the rescue of artistic and historical values, thanks to which it was possible to preserve a significant part of Russia’s cultural heritage and its richest traditions.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):91-95
pages 91-95 views

The communist movement in Nghe-Tinh and political parties in the French Indochina (1930–1931)

Lyozin A.I.


The article analyzes the experience of the French Colonial Empire of the 1930s in ensuring internal security in the Indochina region. The social, economic and climatic causes of political unrest (1930–1931) in the northern part of Annam, namely in the two provinces of Nghe An and Ha Tinh (Nghe-Tinh), are examined. The characteristics of the three ideological directions on which the political parties of Indochina are based are given. The development of the peasant movement and the creation of alternative administrations in villages to replace colonial ones are demonstrated. The new institution for a number of villages will be the Soviets, under the leadership of the Indochina Communist Party. The view is reflected of the colonial administration of Indochina on socio-economic problems. The adjustments in the French colonial army are presented in the form of sending additional contingents, as an example, the arrival of the 4th battalion of the Foreign Legion from Algeria to Indochina. The attention is paid to the key source under the title: «Contribution to the history of political movements in French Indochina». It testifies to a victorious turning point for the French administration in suppressing armed uprisings in Indochina. The document is a transcript and represents the testimony of Vietnamese who were members of the Indochina Communist Party. The despite the difficulties for France in maintaining internal security in the Indochina region by 1931, order in the colony was almost restored.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):96-99
pages 96-99 views

FBI and Asian political organizations in the ending of 1960s – beginning of the 1970s (using the example of Asian-American Political Alliance)

Tokmakova P.D., Levin Y.A.


The article examines the FBI's way of working with radical and civil opposition among Asian political organizations in the context of the Vietnam War and the political situation in general during the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s. Using the Bureau's archives of the Asian-American Political Alliance, work's methods of the intelligence agency related to non-radical and obeying the law groups are made. The main threat that such groups considered was the influence of communists' parties and the Black Panther Party, which was far more radical and against them. As a result, the FBI applied anti-constitutional methods of actions. The non-uniformity of the COINTELPRO program, within which the FBI investigations took place, is traced by the conducted research. At this period, most of the Asian political organizations were non-violent and legal in nature. Also, many delegates were professors in universities and its students. Hence, the Bureau acted carefully while working with that kind of organizations because they didn't want to get in an «awkward position». Based on made analyses, the conclusion can be made that the FBI's activity in relation to Asian political organizations was considerably different from their methods for other political organizations of the same kind in a considerable period of history.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):104-108
pages 104-108 views

The Soviet microbiologist Zinaida Vissarionovna Ermolyeva is the founder of the national scientific school of physicians on antibiotics

Gorshenin A.V.


The history of any science is, in many ways, the history of the development of a scientific school. Belonging of an individual scientist to a particular school allows us to characterize those ideas, principles and methodological guidelines of fundamental and applied scientific branches that he is guided by in his research. This article examines the role of the famous Soviet microbiologist Z.V. Ermolyeva in the creation and development of a scientific medical school on antibiotics. As the first Soviet scientist to receive the domestic antibiotic penicillin-krustosin, she was at the forefront of antibiotic research from the standpoint of microbiology, pharmacology and medicine. She also took part in the organization of the Soviet antibiotic industry. For thirty years, the scientific biography of the scientist has been associated with the study, production, improvement and application of these antibacterial drugs. Based on the analysis of documents from federal archives (the Russian State Archive of Economics, the Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation, the Russian State Archive in Samara), as well as abstracts of dissertations by Z.V. Ermolyeva’s students, staff and followers, the main directions of her scientific school of physicians on antibiotics are analyzed, and the contribution of individual scientists to the experimental and clinical study of antibiotics is considered.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):100-103
pages 100-103 views

Samara Branch of the Union of Artists of Russia in 1985–1998: adaptation ways in the context of reforms

Ryabov V.V., Kozlovskaya G.E., Anshakov E.A.


This article examines the ways and means of adaptation of the Samara (Kuibyshev) regional organisation of the All-Russian creative public organisation «Union of Artists of Russia» to social transformations in 1985–1998. It is noted that in the years of «perestroika» artists positively perceived democratic changes in the country, which they understood as freedom of creativity and new opportunities for self-presentation. Such problems of the regional organisation of artists as insufficient funding and poor material and technical support are revealed. Relations with the authorities at this stage were ambivalent. Criticism of passivity of party and Soviet authorities in providing the needs of the branch was accompanied by requests for material support. The termination of the Union of Artists of the USSR, centralised funding and state regulation of culture in the early 1990s caused the transformation of regional creative unions. The uncertain status and unstable economic situation of the creative organisation during the period of market reforms in Russia had a negative impact on its image. It is noted that both individual artists and the organisation as a whole used various social practices to adapt to the realities of the market economy. It is proved that, despite financial and organisational difficulties, the Samara Branch of the Union of Artists of Russia managed to overcome «disorder and vacillation», to preserve its unity and restore its role in the artistic life of the Samara Region.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):109-113
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Historical experience in the development of teaching aids on the history of the native land for schoolchildren in the context of the modern educational situation (on the example of the Ural Federal District)

Lyubichankovskiy S.V., Tatarnikov O.V.


The article provides an overview of educational and methodological manuals on the history of the native land for schools of the subjects of the Russian Federation located in the Ural Federal District, which appeared in the period from the 1970s to the present day. A comparison of the situation in the Tyumen, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk Regions and the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs was made. The assessment of the compliance of the available textbooks with the modern requirements of the school educational system, the historical and cultural standard of school education, and the study of all-Russian historical processes in history lessons is given. The conclusion is made about the insufficient provision of educational and methodological material on the history of the native land in modern schools of the Ural Federal District. This situation is due to the varying degree of development of the manuals in the analyzed subjects. The hypothesis is put forward that the work in the field of creating a unified textbook on the history of the Ural Federal District can become an additional guarantee of countering the trends in the formation of excessive national identity. Based on the new manual, which will take into account the current requirements of the modern school educational system, it will be possible to create the necessary link between local and all-Russian history, when a student, feeling part of his region, would at the same time feel part of a large region.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):114-118
pages 114-118 views

Pedagogical Sciences

The history of the formation and development of teaching methods in biological education of schoolchildren (before the XX century)

Avetisyan V.R.


In pedagogical activity, an important role in the formation of professional qualities of a school teacher is played by the development of teaching methods for a particular subject. Realizing this importance, we use the experience of other teachers, methodologists, and scientists. Studying and analyzing their works, we turn to the history of the formation and development of teaching methods. This article focuses on conducting a historical review of the development of teaching methods in the biological education of schoolchildren. On the basis of a historical retrospective, the main works of prominent biological educators are presented, their contribution to the development of methods of teaching natural science and biology is described. The main external and internal factors that influenced the educational process are presented. In particular, the attitude of the state authorities to natural science education. The article considers the main variants of the periodization of the history of the formation and development of the methodology of teaching biology and biological education in the national school; the characteristics of individual periods and teaching methods prevailing at the moment are given; Indications are made on the use of certain methods of teaching biology in modern education. Based on the stated research topic, information is provided reflecting the development of biology teaching methods only up to the 20th century.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):119-125
pages 119-125 views

On the issue of preparing future teachers to broadcast family values to students in an information society

Aldoshina M.I.


This article examines the potential and features of the formation at the university of future teachers of professional readiness to develop and transmit family values to students. The relevance of the topic is determined by the crisis state of the modern family and the need to broadcast the values of the traditional family to the younger generation. The author understands the peculiarities of this process as the originality of the modern generation of youth, the specifics of the activities of teachers of pedagogical training profiles at the university, as well as a set of targeted, substantive and procedural features that are modified in the situation of transformation of the axiosphere of a modern citizen. The set of personality-oriented, socially-oriented, civic-oriented, artistically-oriented, reflexively-oriented and professionally-oriented groups of family values highlighted by the author is purposefully formed in the selected educational conditions of family communication, leisure activities, public associations, as well as organizations of general, additional and vocational education. Examples of family education on educational platforms with virtual content, examples of the use of hackathons in university education, a professional skills competition, and STEAM design are considered. Generalized features of the formation and transmission of family values to students by future teachers in university education (adaptability to a specific place, time, amount of study load, hybridity, continuity, the ability to return to some material, personalized pace, volume, style and support of education with the possibilities of self-government and its adjustments) arouse interest among modern students and increase their professional motivation.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):126-131
pages 126-131 views

The model of moral education of students in the cultural and educational space of the university

Vdovin S.A., Pozdnyakova O.K.


The article substantiates the importance of moral education of the young generation of Russians in modern geopolitical realities. The importance of developing a model of moral education of university students is substantiated. The understanding of moral education as an introduction to moral values is argued. It is proved that the developed model is a normative model containing a project of how moral education should be organized in higher education. The most general trends in modeling the process of moral education in pedagogical science are revealed. The block structure of the model is substantiated and the content of the target (goal, tasks of moral education of students), value-motivational (traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, taking the form of motives for the behavior of students), methodological (scientific approaches and principles of their implementation), content-design (value foundations of academic disciplines, extracurricular educational activities, pedagogical conditions for designing the content of moral education of students), methodological (forms, methods, means of moral education of students) and result (criteria and levels of moral education) blocks is revealed. The purpose of the problem-dialogical, value-semantic and situational approaches to organizing moral education of university students is revealed. The leading idea of the created model is proposed: education of a student as a subject of moral development, striving for such a duty, which is contained in moral values as the value foundations of his activity.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):132-137
pages 132-137 views

Integration of professor A.V. Mironov’s scientific heritage into modern educational video resources for younger students

Grakhova S.I., Belyaeva N.L., Sadykova L.R., Mullahmetova A.D.


In this paper, the authors reveal the practical significance of the scientific works of Anatoly Vladimirovich Mironov, Honorary Professor of Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, in the context of modern education, demonstrating an innovative approach to adapting his theoretical concepts to create digital educational resources. The main goal of the project is to integrate the research of natural resources and ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan into a series of videos for elementary school students. The students who participated in the project not only mastered video creation technologies, but also deepened their knowledge in the field of pedagogy, theory and technology of teaching the integrated course «The World around us», environmental education of younger schoolchildren. Under the guidance of teachers, future teachers studied the scientific works of A.V. Mironov, adapted his methodological recommendations to create interactive and accessible video content for elementary school students. The project successfully combined theory and practice, allowing future teachers not only to form professional competencies, but also to develop creative potential. The use of video materials based on the scientific heritage of A.V. Mironov contributes to the activation of the educational process, making it more engaging and interesting for younger students. The created videos reflecting the ecology and natural wealth of Tatarstan are valuable additional material to the lessons of studying the world around us.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):138-143
pages 138-143 views

The documentary competence of a philologist in the modern educational paradigm

Gritskevich Y.N., Lukyanova S.V., Popkova L.M.


The article is devoted to the issues of the place and importance of documentary competence in the professional training of philologists. The effectiveness of the development of the state is largely determined by the quality of training qualified personnel who are able to solve various professional tasks, one of which is working with documents. The tendency to complicate the nature of the activity of a modern philologist specialist poses new challenges to the higher education system. The field of professional activity of a philologist can be defined as a set of heterogeneous functions from the philological sphere proper and areas adjacent to it. The authors substantiate the need to revise approaches to the structure and content of the professional competence of a philologist in connection with changes in the requirements for a specialist on the part of the employer, it is the competence approach that underlies the standards of the third generation. Readiness for professional activity presupposes a set of key competencies that ensure the rapid adaptation of graduates in various professional fields and the successful completion of a large number of tasks, including working with documents. The authors of the study emphasize the importance of the formation of documentary competence within the framework of basic and additional educational programs in order to maximize the approximation of higher education to the further professional activities of graduates in accordance with the demands of modern society.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):144-148
pages 144-148 views

The content of the process of forming the ethical responsibility of cadets in the conditions of training in a departmental university of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Zhalmurzin R.B.


The article reveals the need to prepare a cadet – a future employee of the Penal System, who is characterized by ethical responsibility as a systemic personal formation, which has the meaning of value as a set of relations of the future employee of the Penal System to official activities, to people involved in the sphere of this activity, to himself as a subject of such activity, realized (systemic personal formation) in the activities of the Penal System employee through a set of personal qualities that determine the implementation of moral choice by the Penal System employee in the process of professional activity and form the content of ethical responsibility as a personal quality. The article proposes a definition of the concept of «ethical responsibility of a cadet of a departmental university of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia – a future employee of the Penitentiary System» and its substantive content (values, relationships, personal qualities). It is substantiated that the content of the process of forming the ethical responsibility of cadets is based on scientific ideas about the professional ethics of a Penitentiary System employee, about the ethical meaning of the requirements imposed on him, concretized in the values and personal qualities that characterize the ethical responsibility of cadets. It is argued that the implementation of this content is carried out through the identification in the material of academic disciplines and extracurricular educational work of values that determine the cadet's attitude to official activities, to the people involved in it and to himself as its subject, introducing the cadet to these values and developing his personal qualities, through which the external expression of these relationships is carried out. Examples of the implementation of the content of the process of forming the ethical responsibility of cadets are given: classes in academic disciplines and events within the framework of extracurricular educational work, which introduce cadets to values and develop qualities, then implemented within the framework of industrial practice.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):156-161
pages 156-161 views

Individual educational strategies for advanced training of higher school teachers

Evelina L.N., Balabaeva N.P., Enbom E.A.


The Russian education system is constantly undergoing updates, natural in the process of continuous development of science, technology and society. In this regard, there is an obvious need for continuous professional education of university teachers, who then, in turn, develop innovative content and make changes in the learning process for students of all fields of study. An important goal of each educational organization is to maintain the proper level and continuous improvement of the quality of education. Therefore, the result of the teacher’s mastering a program of advanced training courses should be the improvement of professional competencies, which are just necessary to improve the quality of teaching. On the way to achieve this goal, a number of problems arise, the solution of which requires special attention from both the university management and each teacher. At the same time, the main aspect is the expedient competent construction of general educational strategies and individual trajectories of professional development for each teacher, depending on the nature of professional activity. The article presents an analysis and comparative characteristics of individual educational trajectories of advanced training of teachers of technical and pedagogical universities on the example of the Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics and the Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):149-155
pages 149-155 views

Methodical ways of studying proper names in professional discourse while teaching a foreign language to the students of agrarian universities

Kazakova L.N., Shirobokova L.P.


This article considers the effectiveness of using proper names in teaching a professional foreign language English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to students of various agricultural specialties. In modern studying programs, almost no attention is paid to the study of the proper name, which occupies an essential place in the vocabulary of any language, reflecting important aspects of its history and culture development. Onomastics as a specific branch of linguistics has been formed at the cross point of several fields. The achievements of the regional onomastics determine the source of information relevant for foreign language teachers at the agrarian Universities. The study of writing and culture relicts, data from etymological dictionaries, local history and literature, research of groups of zoonyms, toponyms and anthroponyms determine the necessity of developing and applying new methodological techniques and technologies. All of the above determines the relevance of this article’s topic and defines its goals: to consider the effectiveness of using proper names when learning a foreign language applicable in professional activities; to present effective methodological techniques that contribute to the development of professional competencies. In preparing this article, such methods of scientific analysis and generalization were applied as descriptive, methods of etymological analysis, as well as elements of comparative and typological analysis.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):162-166
pages 162-166 views

Studying the project disciplines as a factor for training specialists for the industrial sector of the economy

Maliashova A.Y., Gadelshina S.V.


This article examines the impact of studying the discipline «Fundamentals of Project Activities» on the development of design competencies among fourth-year undergraduate students studying in the field of Chemical Technology at the Kazan National Research Technological University. The study was conducted at the Department of Innovation in Chemical Technology and consisted of a questionnaire survey of fourth-year students. As a result of studying this discipline, the percentage of theoretical knowledge in the field of project and project activities increases. There is a development of practical skills in solving specific project problems and cases. The student becomes able to make the right decision when developing a project. The student’s soft competencies are analyzed and the most in demand when working on a project are identified. It has been established that students are ready to engage in project activities in any sector of the economy. Are ready to try on project roles in a team, without experiencing fear or self-doubt. However, there are a number of barriers to the project; a system of motivating students to develop project competencies and eliminate the identified barriers is proposed.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):167-171
pages 167-171 views

Center for historical education as a condition for the spiritual and moral development of the student’s personality

Mushkarina V.S., Vasilkova I.M., Panina M.V.


The article discusses the creation and mechanisms of approbation of the center for historical education in the system of basic education at the site of an educational organization. The strategic objectives of the center are the formation of a resource space for the preservation of historical memory and the development of educational activities of students. The peculiarities of the center’s formation are highlighted: the organization of extracurricular activities and the development of additional general education programs, the preparation of educational events on a given topic, and the approbation of a system of cultural events. A distinctive feature of the center is its positioning as part of the ecosystem of an educational organization. A conceptual diagram of the structure of the center and its functional parts is presented. The presented model can be used as a theoretical and methodological basis for designing educational events, as well as for developing models of historical education centers. The materials make it possible to further evaluate the choice of ways of spiritual and moral development of students through the implementation of functional learning outcomes, as well as through productive and practice-oriented forms of learning. A separate area of the center can be considered the involvement of social partners and media in the ecosystem of the educational organization to expand educational tasks.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):172-176
pages 172-176 views

The future teachers’ emotional culture development as a professional growth resource

Potmenskaya E.V., Tamarskaya N.V., Mychko E.I., Mazanova S.E.


Nowadays, the search for the new opportunities how to improve the teacher’s professional level and how to create the conditions for his professional growth has intensified. The teacher’s professional growth implies a qualitative transformation of professionally important personal properties and abilities, professional knowledge and skills within the framework of the professional activity. The modern teachers’ professional activity develops in the context of uncertainty, novelty and ambiguity. Constantly changing situations actualize the value-semantic and emotional aspects of the teachers’ professional development. The foregoing indicates that it is important for the future teachers to develop an emotional culture as a component of a professional culture. In this regard, the problem of the study is formulated as follows: how to develop the future teachers’ emotional culture in the university? Hence, the purpose of the study is to develop and implement a structural-content model to develop the future teachers’ emotional culture. To test the hypothesis that the understanding of the emotional culture as a resource for a professional growth and modelling the process of its development at a university is important, the following methods are used: theoretical (the scientific literature analysis on the problem of the future teachers’ emotional culture development; to study and generalize the emotional culture development experience in the university), empirical (the observation, survey and pedagogical experiment) and methods of the obtained data mathematical processing. An empirical study is carried out on the basis of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. It has included the developed structural-content model approbation and the subsequent diagnostics of the axiological, cognitive, bihavioral, volitional and reflexive components formation in future teachers’ emotional culture. The study results can be used to develop and implement the future teachers’ training programs, as well as the teachers’ advanced training system in the university. In the future, it is reasonable to study the psychological and methodological university teachers’ readiness to develop the future teachers’ emotional culture.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):177-182
pages 177-182 views

Foreign approaches to assessing the universal competencies of future and current teachers

Prudnikova V.A., Fishman L.I., Fishman I.S.


The article presents an analysis of foreign sources containing concepts of future and current teachers’ universal competencies and models for assessing these competencies, as well as comparative studies that can be used to enhance domestic theory and practice in shaping and evaluating these teaching resources. Two main conceptualizations of universal competencies in higher education (analytical and holistic) are identified, the specifics of evaluating universal competencies within these approaches are defined, their advantages and limitations in the process of training future teachers are demonstrated. Research on the assessment of universal competencies in teacher training primarily focuses on cognitive skills such as problem-solving, verbal, quantitative, and analytical reasoning, and critical thinking. Further research, as foreign experts believe, should focus on modeling academically acquired universal competencies and subject-specific competencies. Currently, the most relevant approach to building up and assessment of universal competencies for future and practicing teachers is considered to be an integration of analytical and holistic concepts. This approach involves the use of two sets at different stages of preparation: standard aspects of universal competencies and subject-specific situations. The formation and assessment of competencies are carried out within specified modes of activity and in predefined situations.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):183-192
pages 183-192 views

Methodological conditions of teaching Russian as a foreign language and their implementation at Kazan Innovation University named after V.G. Timiryasov

Rybakova M.V., Khoroshavina A.G., Smirnova Y.D.


The article analyzes the implementation by teachers of Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov of methodological conditions for teaching foreign students Russian as a foreign language, evaluates the effectiveness of the implementation of these conditions in terms of students achieving different levels of proficiency in the Russian language. The methodological recommendations of leading experts in the field of RCT on the maximum allowable number of students in a group of 8 people are substantiated. The requirement is being considered that classes in a group should be conducted by two teachers at the same time (in the weekly schedule, both teachers work in a 50%/50% ratio. This helps to overcome the effect of «getting used» to the timbre of a foreign student’s voice, the pace of speech and the phonetic features of a native Russian speaker. Each teacher activates all types of speech activity in each lesson: speaking, writing, listening, reading and learning vocabulary and grammar. The use of various non-academic forms of improving language skills in teaching foreign students allows students to actively train speaking and listening skills, expand their horizons by getting acquainted with the surrounding foreign cultural reality outside the framework of academic classes. A fundamentally important methodological point is the «re-equipment» of study groups after foreign students have passed the test for a certain level of Russian language acquisition, depending on the results demonstrated by the students. An important condition for ensuring the effectiveness of RCT training is interaction with the parents of students. Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov, when organizing the teaching of Russian as a foreign language to foreign citizens in a remote format, focuses in this process on ensuring «live» communication with the teacher.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):193-197
pages 193-197 views

Competence-based methodological resources: the experience of forming students’ ecological culture

Sazonova N.N.


The presented work provides data on the main trends in the educational assimilation of modern environmental science, the role of its cultural component in the training of future specialists of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography of the Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. They allow us to state that in recent years the environmental training of students has become more multidisciplinary in nature. It dialectically and harmoniously coexists the main provisions of the universal theory of systems, philosophical, evolutionary and other worldview ideas, digital technologies, quantum physics, theory and methodology of cognitive activity and other integral components of modern education. It can be confidently stated that modern ecology has increasingly begun to use an integrated systemic synergetic approach in its development, which has determined an increased role in the observed integration, primarily of its educational and methodological teachers.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):198-202
pages 198-202 views

Pedagogical conditions for the formation of medical university students’ readiness to lead a healthy lifestyle

Serper S.A.


The article raises the problem of educating students who are ready to implement a healthy lifestyle. It is proved that the readiness of medical university students to lead a healthy lifestyle is a personal education that has a structure and includes cognitive, axiological, emotional-volitional, activity components. The content of the components of the readiness of medical university students to lead a healthy lifestyle is revealed: knowledge about a person, about health, about a healthy lifestyle and its components (cognitive component); the values of «health», «healthy lifestyle», «man», «life», etc. (axiological component); positive emotions: «joy», «inspiration», «pacification», etc. and the strong-willed qualities of «determination», «perseverance», «initiative», etc. (emotional and volitional component); actions and deeds of the student to lead a healthy lifestyle: regular physical activity, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and daily routine, etc. (activity component). It is proved that the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the readiness of medical university students to lead a healthy lifestyle are a system of pedagogical impact measures aimed at mastering knowledge by students, introducing them to values, developing their emotional and volitional sphere, focusing on actions and deeds that form (knowledge, values, etc.) the content of the relevant components of readiness, implemented (a system of measures) based on the capabilities of the educational environment of the medical university, ensuring a healthy lifestyle for students. The pedagogical conditions are determined, the implementation of which ensures the effective formation of the readiness of medical university students to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):203-209
pages 203-209 views

On scientific approaches to organizing the activities of a university teacher to introduce students to moral values

Soboleva E.I.


The article is devoted to the problem of defining theoretical foundations of the university teacher's activity in introducing students to moral values, which (foundations) are scientific approaches to its implementation. It is substantiated that the scientific approach to organizing the university teacher's activity in introducing students to moral values is a set of methods, ways, means, practical tools for designing such activity, determining its strategy. The criteria for selecting moral values to which students – future technical specialists are introduced are proposed, which (criteria) are types of engineer's attitudes: attitude to technology, attitude to colleagues, attitude to society. The stages of introducing students to moral values are distinguished: 1) understanding, 2) interiorization, 3) exteriorization, in the context of which the logic of introducing students to values is built. The characteristics of the stages of understanding, interiorization and exteriorization are given and their role in the selection of scientific approaches is revealed. The choice of hermeneutic, axiological and contextual approaches to organizing the teacher's activities to introduce students to moral values is substantiated and the purpose of these approaches in introducing students of a technical university to moral values is revealed.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):210-215
pages 210-215 views

On the issue of assessing the residual economic knowledge of students of technical universities

Khaertdinova A.A.


All enterprises and universities in the country face one task – to provide personnel for the development of industries capable of developing and introducing innovative technologies and ideas into the real sector of the economy to ensure and increase the competitiveness of domestic enterprises both in domestic and foreign markets. As a rule, technical universities of the country are engaged in the training of such specialists. The degree of preparation of students for further studies on the development of an innovative orientation program and the formation of competencies for solving professional tasks is determined through a system of control of students’ residual knowledge. This article presents the results of a survey of students to assess their individual training and an analysis of the relationship between these results and the results of testing conducted on the site of the Unified Internet Testing Portal in the field of education. The conducted research has shown that in order to obtain a satisfactory result of Internet testing, it is necessary to solve the question of how to achieve greater effectiveness of classes with a limited number of them, and that at the same time a differentiated approach is needed in the formation of test trials in basic disciplines for various areas of specialty.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):216-220
pages 216-220 views

Professor of physics at three Imperial Universities of Russia B.V. Stankevich: milestones of scientific biography and stages of teaching activity

Yakuta A.A., Kochergina E.D.


The article considers the main stages of the scientific and pedagogical activity of one of the students of the great Russian physicist A.G. Stoletov – Professor Boris Vyacheslavovich Stankevich (1860–1924), who taught at three Imperial universities of Russia during his long-term teaching career. A set of little-known facts about his biography are reported. The research work of B.V. Stankevich at the Imperial Warsaw University is briefly described, indicating the main scientific works he prepared. He is characterized as a talented theoretical physicist and talked about his scientific work in the fields of geophysics and observational astronomy. The pedagogical activity of B.V. Stankevich at three Imperial Universities – in Warsaw, Novorossiysk and Moscow – is described in more detail. Particular attention is paid to his service at Moscow University in 1911–1917, since until now this question has been poorly covered in historical and pedagogical research. The state of physics education at Moscow University in those years is studied, including the structure of the experimental physics lecture course that was given at that time, the staffing of the educational process, and the general situation at the university’s physics department. An assessment is made of B.V. Stankevich’s contribution to the development of physics teaching at the Imperial Moscow University in the crisis pre-revolutionary period.

Samara Journal of Science. 2024;13(1):221-226
pages 221-226 views

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