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During the archaeological research of a multilayer Kaya Arasy site of Crimea, a clear stratigraphical sequence of cultural layers was established, that are corresponding to the diverse archaeological contexts. In addition, the material from the previous excavations by the A.A. Schepinskii and A.A. Formozov was analyzed and combining those two datasets the stratigraphic sequence of the Kaya Arasy site was established. The material of the site is currently stored in the Bakhchisaray Historical and Cultural Reserve; however, it was not organized according to the periods and the stratigraphical units. The research presented in this paper allowed to attribute this abandoned material to the chronological sequence of the Kaya Arasy site.

About the authors

Sergii Anatolievich Telizhenko

Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Author for correspondence.


04210, Kyiv, Geroyiv Stalingrada Ave., 12

Andrey Pavlovich Veselsky

Institute Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



04210, Kyiv, Geroyiv Stalingrada Ave., 12


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Copyright (c) 2014 Telizhenko S.A., Veselsky A.P.

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