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The problems of dysgraphia among primary school children with minimal brain dysfunctions are considered in the paper. We pay special attention to the problem because the number of such children has significantly increased in recent years. according to the research about 6-7% of kids studying at schools, or even 18-20% of children with minimal brain dysfunctions suffer from dysgraphia.the authors reveal the results of the handwriting disability research.Writing skills formation is a long purposeful process. Methods for handwriting correction have not been sufficiently developed. different scientific papers provide with different methods, but none of them are integrated in the system so all of them can be ineffective. the aim of the research was to identify the level of writing skills among primary schoolchildren with minimal brain dysfunctions (MBd) and to work out a systematic program for correction.the paper depicts principles of scientifically grounded correction activities. one of the fundamental principles is the switch from studying and writing simple elements to more difficult ones. Univariant letter handwriting system which is described by identity of letter forms and consistency of writing are also considered to be important principles. Visualization and step-by-step letter study principles are used in general didactics as well.the correction pedagogic program described in the paper includes scheduling, a long list of techniques, practical exercises, and activities.the results of the research can be used at lessons by speech therapists, primary school teachers, university students studying speech therapy, and parents.

About the authors

Nina Ivanovna Bukovtsova

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Author for correspondence.
Email: bukovtsova@pgsga.ru

candidate of pedagogy, Head of special education department

samara state academy of social sciences and Humanities, samara, russia, 443099, str. M.gorkogo, 65/67

Olga Vladimirovna Elyanyushkina

Lyceum of Syzran

Email: olyaelya@yandex.ru

primary school teacher of lyceum in Syzran

samara state academy of social sciences and Humanities, samara, russia, 443099, str. M.gorkogo, 65/67


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Copyright (c) 2015 Bukovtsova N.I., Elyanyushkina O.V.

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