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This paper discusses the Neolithization and its duration in north-east Europe, traditionally seen as peripheral - and not actually Neolithic. It is proposed, through the case studies of pottery, cultivation, settlement and mass production, that conventional, Eurocentric views and definitions of the Neolithic are inadequate - Neolithic and Neolithization are much more diverse and multifaceted phenomena when observed on Eurasian or global scale. Further, Neolithization does not imply simply a technological or economic change but a more pervasive transformation in worldview. Neolithization in north-east Europe was a slow process, which took over two millennia, from the later 6th millennium BC to the mid-3rd millennium BC, or even further. Lastly, contrary to the traditional ideas propagating southern and ultimately Near-eastern origins, Northern Neolithic seems to have deep roots also in the East.

About the authors

Kerkko Nordqvist

University of Oulu

Author for correspondence.
Email: kerkko.nordqivst@gmail.com

postgraduate student of Department of Archaeology

90570, Finland, Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, Oulu


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