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At the end of the Bronze age so-called community of the roll ceramics cultures (crcc) occupied the territory of the steppe belt of eurasia. despite the vast distances that separate sites, ceramic vessels of these cultures have a high degree of resemblance. the technical and technological analysis of pottery enables, in particular, to determine the depth of the cultural differences of the ancient population groups. Unfortunately, such analysis for most cultures of the crcc not carried out, and this fact greatly complicates the work to establish the degree of kinship and identification of contacts existed between them. this article analyzes the ceramic assemblage of Kent settlement - the largest for sargary-alekseev culture, part of crcc. it was found that the population that left the site, consisted of not less than 3-4 groups, which were in the process of mixing. on the base of comparison of the results of technical and technological analysis it was found the pottery, imported from related communities. in addition, the technology of foreign culture pottery samples is considered and conclusions about areas of their origin are made. Vessels with ornaments and shape similar to the synchronous archaeological cultures of Western siberia and central asia are attributed as foreign. it was found that ceramics, coming from central asia, was constructed by sculptural modeling methods, and a potter’s wheel was used only for profiling the main part of the container. it is concluded that sargary-alekseev groups were not closed communities. they were in constant contact with related settlements and also in trade and exchange relations with the population of neighboring areas.

About the authors

Valeriy Grigoryevich Loman

Karaganda State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of history sciences, director of the saryarka archaeological institute

e.a. Buketov Karaganda state University, 110028, Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Universitetskaya str., 28


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