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This article discusses the possibilities of the development of verbal predicting skills in teaching Chinese students Russian as a foreign language through a variety of activities: exploratory and creative. The use of the communication principle is a priority in modern teaching. Communication is a leading didactic principle on the basis of which it is possible to effectively teach students communication in a foreign language, in our case in Russian. The principle of communication is important in the selection of the content of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Implementation of speech activities requires highly automatized pronunciation, lexical and grammatical skills. The process of mastering speech activity is clearly seen in the ability of students to engage in real communication and to use the necessary communicative strategies. Prediction in teaching Russian as a second language is divided into two types: verbal (suggesting verbal hypotheses) and semantic (anticipation of material at the level of content). Prediction is a component of the student's performance in listening and reading. In order to develop predicting skills the students should be encouraged to do specially designed exercises. Well-developed mechanisms of verbal prediction facilitate successful formation of the Chinese students’ Russian speaking and writing skills, enable them to build statements not only by analogy, on the reproductive level, but also original utterances, with elements of creativity. The results obtained by the authors are indicative of the fact. Effectiveness is largely dependent on the quality of prior (dispersed or focused) training.

About the authors

Vladiclav Dmitrievich Yanchenko

Moscow State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

doctor, professor of department of theory and practice of teaching Russian and RSL, Institute of Philology and Foreign Languages, Moscow State Pedagogical University

119991, Russia, Moscow, 1/1 М.Pirogovskaya Str

- Liu Qian

Moscow State Pedagogical University


post-graduate, Moscow State Pedagogical University

119991, Russia, Moscow, 1/1 М.Pirogovskaya Str


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Copyright (c) 2015 Yanchenko V.D., Liu Qian -.

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