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The article is devoted to presenting a brief history of the organization and carrying out for 25 years Samara expedition to the experimental study of ancient pottery. Organization of this expedition was due to the need to solve problems related to the study of ancient pottery techniques. The authors examined the concept of «cultural tradition» in the pottery and is designed structure of the experiment in the field of pottery technology. The main task of technological research in the framework of historical and cultural areas developed A.A.Bobrinskim, is the study of traces of in fractures and on the surface of archaeological vessels arising from the use of certain methods of the ancient potters work. The result of technological research is the reconstruction of the cultural traditions that have existed among the study population. Methods of studying pottery technology is based on a binocular microscope, trasologii and experiment in the form of physical modeling and assumes the reference series. The objectives of the expedition was to create a basic reference collections for all the stages of pottery production, as well as experiments on the problems arising in the analysis of particular archaeological ceramics. The article analyzes the realized expedition general and individual programs in two areas: research and education, and provides a list of reference collections of feedstock, molding compositions and methods for treating surfaces that are available for study.

About the authors

Irina Nikolaevna Vasil'yeva

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities, Samara (Russia)Russia, Samara, M.Gorky str., 65/67

Natalya Petrovna Salugina

Samara State Institute of Culture


Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities, Samara (Russia)Russia, Samara, M.Gorky str., 65/67


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Copyright (c) 2015 Vasil'yeva I.N., Salugina N.P.

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