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Zamostje 2, on the Dubna River, c.100km north of Moscow, appears to offer an ideal opportunity to understand the relative and absolute chronology of Upper Volga Early Neolithic pottery. More than 100 radiocarbon (14C) dates are available from a stratigraphic sequence which spans from the Late Mesolithic to the Middle Neolithic. All typological stages are represented among over 18,000 sherds of Early Neolithic pottery, and many of these sherds bear deposits of carbonised food remains (food-crusts), which can be dated directly by 14C; more than 30 food-crusts have been dated directly. Nevertheless, there remains considerable uncertainty about the date range of Upper Volga pottery at Zamostje 2, and many of the issues raised are relevant to dating early pottery at other sites. Moreover, the absolute chronology of Upper Volga pottery must have some bearing on the interpretation of 14C dates for pottery from adjoining regions. In this paper, we discuss alternative interpretations of the Zamostje 2 evidence.

About the authors

John Meadows

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Author for correspondence.
Email: jmeadows@leibniz.uni-kiel.de

Dr Zentrum für Baltische und Skandinavische Archäologie

Vladimir Mihailovich Losovski

Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: zamostje68@gmail.com

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Palaeolithic

Olga Vladimirovna Lozovskaya

Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: olozamostje@gmail.com

Candidate of Historical Sciences, a research fellow experimental laboratory trasological

Sofya Sergeevna Chirkova

York (United Kingdom)

Email: sc1288@york.ac.uk

University of York

Oliver Craig

University of York

Email: oliver.craig@york.ac.uk


Alexandre Lucquin

University of York

Email: alexandre.lucquin@york.ac.uk


Michela Spataro

The British Museum

Email: michelaspataro@yahoo.co.uk

Dr , PhD


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2015 Meadows J., Losovski V.M., Lozovskaya O.V., Chirkova S.S., Craig O., Lucquin A., Spataro M.

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